2008年10月3日 星期五


副總統辯論結束了, 在侃基本教義派眼中, 裴林表現的好極了. 在歐迷眼中, 柏頓完全擊倒勝.

兩派看法差距如此懸殊, 源自於雙方用兩套不同稽核標準環顧整場.

意思是說, 我們對一個人表現失望或滿意, 往往根屬於我們如何定位這個人.

定位決定職責功能, 也決定檢驗評斷標準.

我個人認為, 侃派把裴林定位 “啦啦鼓舞隊長” 的位置 (務 “虛”, 衝人氣, 凝聚向心力)

但新聞媒體不同, 新聞用“備位元首候選人” 檢驗 (務 “實”, 槓專業, 結果訪問出槌, 踉蹌

結果反而人人都在談論她, 創下有史以來收視率最高的副總統辯論轉播…)

我想賽前侃派士氣應該很低落 (若再看看同黨主政者政績, 選情形同提油桶救火).

改善選情, 提振士氣(穩住基本盤), 扭轉氣勢(困惑中間選民), 操縱評價得從掌控標準做起.

重新定位沙拉, 給民眾一個嶄新的印象. (說起來容易, 但操作起來非常不容易)

憑心而論, 給侃派幕僚大力鼓掌, 短期內大改造沙拉 (重建信心, 灌論點, 跑攻防, 急救箱)

設身處地, 如果我們是侃派, 開戰前夕, 交付給莎拉裴林的任務如下:

  • 中心政略 : 挽救將崩潰的個人盤, 用親切鼓舞激勵鐵票
  • 個人層面戰略
a.消極面: 力保不被秒殺, 自己不被擊墜, 不挖洞自坑 (the bar was set SO LOW)
b.積極面: 自然沙拉, 裴林做自己好自在 (“let Sarah be Sarah”對美國老百姓特別管用)
c. 選情止跌就好, 止跌自然加分 (效果: 穩固基本盤, 猶豫中間選民/理性選民)

  • 政黨層面戰略
基本題: Energize party base, fresh new face 激勵鼓舞死忠鐵票部隊 (“激勵” 是關鍵詞)
加分題: 突顯“選歐巴馬” = “高風險” (無背景, 少經驗, 年輕; be careful what you wish for…), 選馬侃 “可預期結果”. (predictable, you know what to expect)

我個人認為, 沙拉用笑容可掬, 擠眉弄眼, 親切大絕招, 達成 a, b, c
( 雖然 d.沒達成, 不過那是加分題, 別難為她了.)

國內媒體說她談吐佳, 個人保留態度, “談吐”的意思包含駕馭內容, 裴林生硬背題庫,

同時在同性婚姻議題上, 回答立場與民主黨相同..

(喔! 是這樣嗎? 等著看 哈卡比 砲轟吧, 放心, 有打不死的羅理士保護他)

有人預言這場辯論裴林表現令人驚艷, 保送她直闖2012 總統競選.

(驚嚇) 也是啦, 講講 Joe 6-pack 就能保送, 難怪現在執政那個傢伙叫做 George 12-pack..
喔… 我忘了 … George 戒酒了…

…喬. 柏頓的論點是: 奪主帥, 直攻中軍大帳, 焦點不在裴林, 勿纏鬥…
  • 選馬侃 “可預期結果”, 就是 four more the same. 水泥箍住侃與8年布希抱成一團.
  • 富人減稅, 企業逃稅
柏頓:美國的經濟命脈在中產階級, 中產家庭日子一天天好起來, 美國國力就壯大. 我們不主張 “所得重分配” (劫富濟貧), ­我們主張公理 (fairness).
年所得 25 萬美金以下者佔 全國95%, 會減稅.

沙拉:可是中小企業佔全國 90%, 加重營利事業所得稅不利中小企業.
柏頓: 全國中小企業主 95% 年所得在 25 萬美金以下, 所以會減稅.
相反, 侃要給今年獲利 400 億的石油公司額外 40 億的免稅優惠,
卻不給中產階級減稅一點喘息的機會, 兩相比較, 公平合理嗎?

o 改革金融亂象與金融去法制化

沙拉: 牆壁街(請原諒我的翻譯)企業治理腐敗,貪污勾結, 我們要大刀闊斧改革

柏頓: 金融亂象源自全面金融法制鬆綁, 不分青紅皂白全部“去法制化”, 無法可循則私心自用, 市場機制失靈, 人謀不贓. ­當年一馬當先去法制化的使作俑者是侃, 你身為競選搭檔, 應該勸勸他. (碰! 重拳不沾血)

主持人: 沙拉, 你要回應嗎? (助拳人舉球)
沙拉: 我想回應別的主題, … 能源 (這算 “遁走”, 轉移焦點)

o 發展多元能源, 不共枕石油商
沙拉: 阿拉斯加州長任內, 我不讓石油公司橫行, 同時關注發展替代能源.

柏頓: 你做的對, 我們有目共睹. 可是你的總統候選人投票立場完全相反.
20 次投票反對援助發展替代能源, 20次投票否決支持發展替代能源…
沙拉, 你慧眼明鑑, 身為競選搭檔, 你應該勸勸侃, 早日回頭. (碰! 重拳不沾血)

o 7,000億金元紓困過關, 產生預算排擠效應, 施政取捨

總統第一回合辯論問過, 侃與歐都沒正面回答…

沙拉有答等於沒答, * 大概有太多論點要灌她, 未灌, 沒灌完…來不及…

柏頓顯然有準備, 說金援全世界會延後, 人道救援受排擠, 無法恩澤四海
(哈哈… 標準美式外交辭令 – 麵粉)

o 副總統的憲法定位與權責 (源自現任副手錢尼主張擴張論, 分享行政權)

裴林…(我忘了她具體有沒有說什麼… 有點像拋煙幕彈 )
白頓提到: “憲法說, 當國會票數平手政治僵局, 副總統得投票打破僵局”

o 健保 (開了個頭, 不夠完整, 也不夠清楚...待下回再議)


六成民眾認為沙拉親切, 像市井小民代言人;
五成民調認為柏頓贏了; 沙拉三成 (算我一票)
八成民調同意柏頓夠格當總統 (算我一票)

接下來的民意更有趣 (希恩恩在 Ohio 的 focus group …

五成認為柏頓贏; 三成認為沙拉表現佳 (比預期好)
此次辯論後, 超過七成五認為歐巴馬會勝選
有超過四成反而更猶豫, 不知該投給誰

我個人認為, 論點層次, 柏頓擊倒勝. 的確有黏結馬侃與布希, 但不確定這樣吸票效果多大.
Of course, it has a downside and it did backfire…民眾覺得柏頓是典型的華府政治人物…

事前民眾對沙拉期望低, 而沙拉也完成急救任務, 止血救自己, 和藹溫暖啦啦隊長.
既然定位她, 為辯論主軸定調; 她忙於自保, 無暇出擊 “選歐巴馬=高風險選票”, 自不意外.

帶比賽, 我鼓勵初次批盔上陣的學弟妹:

一辯申論稿講清楚, 初步方案要成立喔, 答辯別慌 答案硬背好, 綜整損益交給學長姐.

(顯示人不同, 定位不同, 職責不同, 但同舟共濟, 福禍相繫…)

誰都曾經是弱點, 過扛大旗. 都希望關鍵時刻居功厥偉, 切莫萬眾矚目當棒槌…

  • 最近流行話是 “贏在少棒, 輸在奧運” “出國與否, 看海角七號” (….弔詭至極…)


萬聖節快到了, 今天給人請吃爆米花球... 沒錯, 就是爆米花捏成一球 (像飯團)

還真是頭一遭 ...

這是包裝 ...


無言 ....


2008年10月2日 星期四


為了避免被說成"放馬後炮", 我要趕在副總統辯論開始前發表.

上週五的總統候選人辯論, 民調顯示結果接近平手 (細節不贅述).


1. 在意願上跟能力上, 民主黨 "促使" 上週五的總統辯論打成平手.

* 總統有三回合辯論, 子彈武器慢慢用 (贏在終點比贏在起點好)

* "經驗 槓上 未來", "保守 槓上 創新", 公斤比公尺, 各自擁有死忠群眾, 影響投票板塊不大.

2. 加入考慮一並因素:

* 上週勝負未明, 使今夜的副手辯論加倍受矚目 (死忠支持群眾關心, 中間選民關心)

* 副手辯論只有一場

* 侃派挑了裴琳, 歐派挑了白頓

* 決定選票的因素通常是總統候選人, 決定因素較少是因為副總統候選人, (強調通常)

* 副總統是備位元首, 萬一總統無法視事 (老病, 死), 副總統將領導國家

* 從基本面檢視裴琳與白噸,

* 然後深呼吸一口氣, 再從備位元首的角度檢視裴琳與白噸...
  • 歐巴馬與馬侃強碰, 彼此也許都討不了多少便宜...
  • 若考慮裴琳呢?

看過裴琳接受新聞媒體訪問 (3 場) 的人, 都是笑容滿面 (民主黨竊笑, 共和黨苦笑)

中心戰略: 歐巴馬很難證明自己比馬侃高明很多, 只要證明馬侃的決策失誤

要挖個洞讓馬侃親自跳下去比較難... 但是, 裴琳應該隨身都帶著大鏟子, 四周都是洞

要拉攏中間選票, 只要營造預期心理, 把舞台架好, 然後在萬眾矚目之下...

(不待出招, 恐怕該跳的自己會自掘墳墓, 跳下去... 再把洞填起來, 把自己埋起來)

凸顯一方選錯副手, 一個讓舉國難以放心的副手, 兩人同在一張選票上... 這叫選民怎麼投下去..

(馬侃幾歲啦... 老人家萬一有個三長兩短, 誰來領國, 誰來主政ㄚ....)

損益比: 難度低, 成功率高, 成本低, 然後又不會弄髒手...


2008年10月1日 星期三


最近老妹要參考我的舊推薦函檔案, 讓我想起 2005 年申請 MBA 時, 當時我自己草擬的推薦函寫的有夠爛.

回顧過去, 我自己寫的推薦函實在可笑. Vandy 願意青睞錄取我, 本人心中充滿感恩.

爛的原因有幾個, 英文爛當然是主謀之一 (說故事能力爛), 另一個主謀是想法爛 (故事本身很爛).

若比較兩者孰爛多一些, 我認為後者嚴重性甚於前者 (echo 我跟 Tamar 聊過的想法: 說清楚想法不等於想法有價值...)

Well.... 既然不須重寫, 我應該會重新架構一次思維, let's give it a shot...

Your recommendation letter ought to answer the following questions authentically …

1 Who is reading this recommendation letter and for what reason?

2 Why (reasons, examples) should the candidate be considered for what (the “what” should align with the “why”)

3 Who would benefit and how if the candidate was considered/accepted (associating the candidate with who’s reading)

4 Who am I to give relevant recommendations based on Subjective observation/objective fact

o relationship with the applicant, applicant’s job title, and full-time employment period

o the applicant's major job duties, applicant’s track record and major accomplishments

o examples that demonstrated how the applicant seize the opportunity and brought value to the community

Bottom line: Justify the recommender’s capacity and knowledge of assessing and recommending the candidate appropriately.

-------------------------------------------------------------- Sample--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Mr./Ms. XXX,

It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Shawn Yen to you for MBA Full-time program, or Promotion, or Competition because Reason 1, Reason 2, Reason 3. Mr. Shawn Yen was a full-time employee at Company Name from period of time as a Job title under my direct supervision in doing what (ex: developing new products). During Mr. Yen’s X-years employment, he established a proven track record of:

  • delivering measurable results with established success metrics

ex: Shawn fund raised over $ 100MM for the O-baba campaign (outstanding revenue driver)

  • leading business initiatives supported by key stakeholders

ex: Shawn and Mickey Mouse went to school together (close partnership)

  • collaborating actionable strategies based on fact-based analysis

ex: Shawn facilitated Buzz Light Year’s plan to land on the Moon

  • inspiring team members with his approachable personality and a can-do attitude

ex: Shawn and Hello Kitty were seeing each other during his internship (business intelligence and in-depth knowledge)

  • operating to a higher calling with business ethics and work integrity

ex: Shawn has keys to the White House back door (tremendous influence and political capital)

It is my belief that Mr. Yen is a great fit for (MBA Full-time program) or (Promotion) or (Competition) because Mr. Yen delivered X-value, has Y-skills, and has experience about What with Who on What Basis; his job involved X, Y, and Z…

Bottom line: You and your organization will benefit from this candidate in what way, a.k.a. what can you expect.

On top of my head, just throwing out examples. Let’s recommend Shawn for a leadership position at a theme park because …

I remember in 2007 when Donald Duck caught bird-flu and got hospitalized, many of us panicked that we might suffer from failing our commitment to our customers, wide-spread risk to our people and our property, and an unstoppable long-term revenue loss potentially.

Unlike many whose initial reaction was frustration and , Shawn stepped up, answered the challenge with strategies and leadership that encouraged everyone to work together to solve the crisis. Shawn structured the problem and established a strategy based on the hands-on experience. He leveraged his relationship with Mickey Mouse and got buy-in from key stakeholders (i.e. Buzz Light Year, Shrek…). Everyone participated, functioned as a team, and working towards a common goal.

Not only were efforts focused on streamlining resources within, there were also communications reaching out and collaborating outside support. Hello Kitty agreed on a co-brand campaign visiting trip during Donald’s absence. In addition, communication efforts from the public and the private sector provided timely updates and prevented over-reacting.

At the end, Donald was back safe and sound, revenues went up (give credit to the co-branding campaign with Hello Kitty) and we grew stronger as a team in difficult times when we quickly turned it around into an opportunity. Bla, bla, bla..

Bottom line: Real-life examples always speak louder than philosophies…

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me via e-mail or phone number. I would be more than happy to talk about Mr. Yen’s credentials in greater detail.

Yours Sincerely,

Name: signature:


Company/Entity: ____________